The immersive 360 experience is ideal for showcasing the interior of a vehicle or hotel room as well as the breath-taking landscape of an exotic destination. The main objective with this custom unit is engagement, encouraging brand affinity and loyalty. User engages by touching and dragging to view the 360.
Site: The Weather Network, MétéoMédia and Pelmorex Audience
Platform: Mobile App, Tablet App (PA only)
TWN/MM: 320×480
PA: 320×480, 768×1024
File Format Options: Layered PSD
Max Weight Best Practices: 2mb
Third Party Tags Accepted: N/A
Designed and Built by Pelmorex Deadline: 7 business days prior to launch
Assets required for Pelmorex to build:
Layered PSD, Equirectangular Panorama Image, copy/images for hotspot popups. Tilting and Panning is not supported.
In-House Tracking:
TWN/MM: Clicks Impressions
PA: Clicks, Impressions, Engagements (if applicable)
Trackers Accepted:
Clicks, Impressions, Engagements (if applicable)
Frequency Cap: TWN/MM-1 per 3 days per user