Full Width IMAGE

Available on 14 days, 7 days, or even hourly, alongside accurate weather updates, you’re greeted by a stunning visual experience. Introducing our Full Width Ads, specially crafted for weather enthusiasts.

Site: ​The Weather Network and MétéoMédia

Platforms: Mobile App

Size: 640x360px

File Format: .jpg, .png, .gif

Max Weight: 150kb

Animation Length: N/A

Third Party Tags Accepted: N/A

Client-Supplied Creative Deadline: 48hrs prior to launch

Designed and Built by Pelmorex Deadline: 3-5 business days prior to launch

Assets required for Pelmorex to build: Headline/Body Copy, CTA Text (ie. Learn more), Logo (EPS format), Hi-res imagery, Brand Guidelines (if available)

Video: N/A

In-House Tracking: Clicks, Impressions, viewability

Trackers Accepted: Clicktag, Impressions

Video Length: N/A

Skip Button/Forced Video Length: N/A

Pelmorex Approval Required: No


You are welcome to utilize PG, provided it’s through DV360, as we’ll be responsible for hosting the creative.


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