The animated banner is the perfect way to get your brandsell messaging across to our broad audience in an eye catching way. This fully animated product allows you to showcase your products and messaging within our engaging content. **This product cannot run on its own, must be sold as part of the following program sponsorships:
Available on The Weather Network & MétéoMedia.
:10s Animated Banner with brandsell messaging
Required Assets:
Layered PSD with separated frames that includes Headline/Body Copy, CTA Text (ie. Learn more), Logo (EPS format), Hi-res imagery, Fonts and Brand Guidelines (if available)
Size: HD Banner: 1143×208 (72dpi)
Creative Deadline: 2 weeks prior to launch
Notes: Produced in-house by The Weather Network & MétéoMedia.
If you want to add a QR code, then the QR code must be up for a suggested minimum length of :05 seconds to ensure our viewers have sufficient time to scan it.