Two leading brands in the hair & skin care industry were looking to drive awareness and position themselves as the best way to lock in moisture during the harsh winter months.
Partnering with The Weather Network & MétéoMédia, we delivered messaging through custom video and editorial content highlighting self-care tips for users across Canada. This targeted approach ensured we were reaching Women 18-54, through high-impact brandsell ad units as well as customized content.
In Phase 1, we targeted W18-54 through digital brandsell units including In-Weather Companion, Impression Based Roadblocks & Standard Banners. In Phase 2, we created custom video and editorial content highlighting self-care tips for users in the harsh winter months. Custom content was promoted through various digital and social placements.
Through this content, these brands were able to achieve above-average CTRs on their high-impact ad units and custom content and double the number of anticipated pageviews on their custom content.
Problem Solved.